Popular LandmarksThe Eiffel Tower, The Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Statue of Liberty the world is full of popular landmarks and remarkable displays of architecture. If everybody begins pulling the nuclear option for IP abuses (ie: Google in Spain or this) we’d see change for sure. Huge Ben is 1 of London’s a lot of well-liked tourist hotspots and for those of you unfamiliar with the landmark, it is the Home of Parliament’s clock tower, in the heart of London. Recognized as a symbol of freedom, the Statue of Liberty positioned in Manhattan, New York City, was a present from the men and women of France to the United statue represents the Roman goddess of freedom and commemorates the declaration of American independence.

Though less than three years old, the High Line has currently turn out to be 1 of the world’s most common landmarks. Landmarks are generally classified as … Continue reading >>>>