4 Reasons Why a Vacation Rental Is a Better Choice for Your Vacation

Planning on going on a trip to Germany soon? One of the key questions that come up often is where to stay. In particular, choosing between a hotel or a vacation apartment/holiday rental. Hotels are typically very easy to book and most major travel sites offer these. There are also many vacation rental sites available to inquire about Germany vacation rentals. However, booking a vacation rental often requires to interact with a property owner in Germany, who may not even speak English. Payment processing might also be complicated (e.g., transferring funds to Germany), and the overall paperwork can be complicated to handle. Given there are more hurdles to overcome when booking a vacation rental why is it worthwhile than doing that instead of going the easy route with just booking a hotel online on a major travel web site?

Imagine this: a completely furnished apartment, with all the amenities of … Continue reading >>>>